4S: Sustainable & Social Suppliers' Stories
In the circular economy many different players are involved to make sure it keeps moving in the right direction. With various operations included in the value chain, from recycling and repurposing to manufacturing for re-use, solid distribution channels are key to keeping this process alive.
One social enterprise in Sydney that is committed to enabling the circular economy, while at the same time giving the planet and society a second chance to make things better is Mates on the Move.
Mates on the Move is a social enterprise of the Prisoners Aid Association of NSW. Their mission is to provide new opportunities for men and women leaving prison.
Mates on the Move was created in 2015, and started as a moving company, but two years later and with the help of supporting organisations, their service evolved into something much bigger and environmentally impactful: a waste management, recycling, removals and storage business that provides a program of skills and job opportunities for people leaving prison.
One company that supports the work of Mates on the Move is Mirvac—also one of givvable’s main partners—which is committed to achieving their social and environmental sustainability goals by 2030, including zero waste to landfill.
Mates on the Move connected with Mirvac in 2017 through Social Traders and they were engaged to help the real estate group improve their waste management processes. Mates on the Move collects and transports problem waste from eleven of Mirvac’s Sydney office buildings, and does ad-hoc collections from some of their retail sites.
Through their partnership with Mates on the Move, Mirvac has diverted over 300 tonnes of problem waste from landfill and the program has been so successful that they are in the process of extending their agreement with Mates on the Move until 2023.

On top of providing sustainable solutions through their waste management services, Mates on the Move organises classes through Class Mates—their training arm— which teaches life skills, accredited training and provides employment opportunities to its graduates.
The purpose of the training program is to help recently released prisoners learn new skills to be used outside of prison, increasing their opportunity for rehabilitation and reducing the likelihood of recidivism.
Some of the supporting partners and clients committed to seeing this social enterprise grow include:
Ozharvest, Mirvac, Westpac Foundation, The Ian Potter Foundation, Salvation Army, Mission Australia, Dress for Work, Wests Ashfield, Applied Training Solutions, and the Australian Furniture Removers Association.
If you are looking to improve the waste management services and/or environmental processes within your organisation, get in touch with Lois Dillon, Mates on the Move Operations Manager: l.dillon@prisonersaidnsw.org or visit their website: www.matesonthemove.org
When you hire a service from Mates on the Move, you are able to contribute to many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals such as Goal #1 No Poverty, Goal #4 Quality Education, Goal #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth and Goal #16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
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