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10 crucial questions for tomorrow's leaders

February 10, 2020

10 crucial questions for tomorrow's leaders.

The world is in transformation, and business leaders, policy makers and individuals must adapt. With global trends profoundly altering the course of our future, McKinsey highlights 10 insights to guide leaders operating in this increasingly complex world.

Interestingly, sustainability and social impact touch every one.

1. What is our mission & purpose as a company?

2. How far do we go beyond shareholder capitalism? How are we accountable to different stakeholders?

3. Who benefits from our economic success? How?

4. What is the time horizon for managing our economic success and impact?

5. What is our responsibility to our workforce, especially given future-of-work implications?

6. How do we leverage data & technology responsibly and ethically?

7. What are our aspirations for inclusion and diversity?

8. What is our responsibility for societal & sustainability issues involving our business, and beyond?

9. What are our responsibilities regarding participants in our platforms, ecosystems, supply and value chains and their impact on society?

10. How should we address the global & local (including national) imperatives and implications of how we compete, contribute and operate?

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