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What top risks face our world today?

February 10, 2020

What top risks face our world today?


According to WEF's Global Risk Report, they are:


1. Extreme weather

2. Climate action failure

3. Natural disasters

4. Biodiversity loss

5. Human made environmental disasters


For the the first time, the top 5 global risks are all environmental. By comparison, 10 years ago we worried about a collapse in asset prices, China slowing down, chronic diseases and a fiscal crisis.


Climate change is hitting harder and accelerating faster than many people predicted. And efforts to meet commitments to limit global warming are slipping, with countries veering off course.


However, despite global divisions and political factors, the business community is increasingly looking beyond balance sheets toward tackling the urgent issues that are looming.


At givvable, we connect corporates with circular, sustainable and social suppliers that align with their environmental and social objectives. Get in contact to learn more:! @World Economic Forum

What top risks face our world today?

According to WEF's Global Risk Report, they are:

1. Extreme weather

2. Climate action failure

3. Natural disasters

4. Biodiversity loss

5. Human made environmental disasters